Software Map Project List (56401 / 60552 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
meteoio(freshmeat) MeteoIO MeteoIO is a C++ library whose main design goal... DOWNLOAD
colonnes(sfnet) colonnes Colonnes is a falling colour or photos blocks g... DOWNLOAD
mjograph(sfnet) mjograph Mjograph is an XY (2D) graph editor that runs o... DOWNLOAD
kenozooid(freshmeat) kenozooid Kenozooid is software used to plan and analyze ... DOWNLOAD
fem3d(sfnet) fem3d Basics of a CAD System. Lets users build 3D mod... DOWNLOAD
anygamedownload(sfnet) Any Game Downloader Any Game Downloader with over 1,300 games in th... DOWNLOAD
gogui(sfnet) GoGui Graphical interface to programs that play the g... DOWNLOAD
lmsapi(sfnet) LMSAPI: C interface for SICK LMS200 LMSAPI is a framework library for getting acces... DOWNLOAD
perueduca(sfnet) F14 Base - Servidores y Estaciones Sistema operativo de rápida instalación para se... DOWNLOAD
done(sfnet) League of Legends Utility This project has been discontinued due to perso... DOWNLOAD
prefixed-properties(freshmeat) Prefixed Properties Prefixed Properites extends java.util.Propertie... DOWNLOAD
dsi(freshmeat) dsi dsi is a simple game of invading aliens. You mu... DOWNLOAD
ntwib(sfnet) netwib Netwib provides sniff, spoof, client, server an... DOWNLOAD
saint-cms(freshmeat) Saint CMS Saint CMS is a combination CMS and eCommerce pa... DOWNLOAD
ntwag(sfnet) netwag Netwag provides a graphical interface to networ... DOWNLOAD
ntwox(sfnet) netwox Toolbox netwox helps to find and solve network ... DOWNLOAD
ihmccmaptoolspo(sfnet) IHMC CmapTools Portable This is the portable version of the IHMC CmapTo... DOWNLOAD
glassomium(freshmeat) Glassomium Glassomium is a window manager for multi-touch ... DOWNLOAD
se7enlibs-as3(sfnet) Se7enLibs (AS3) This library has a collections of classes which... DOWNLOAD
audtest(sfnet) AudioTester AudioTester is a small command line tool that c... DOWNLOAD
hchatd(freshmeat) hchatd hchatd is a simple chat server, written in (alm... DOWNLOAD
horrors-of-democracy(freshmeat) Horrors of Democracy Horrors of Democracy is a game in which the cha... DOWNLOAD
kangasound(sfnet) Kangas Sound Editor This kangaroo-themed program allows the user to... DOWNLOAD
cpputest(sfnet) CppUTest (Moved!) This project has been moved to github. Please c... DOWNLOAD
swallowapps(freshmeat) SwallowApps Swallowapps provides interactive tools for the ... DOWNLOAD
cdcat(freshmeat) cdcat The cdcat is a graphical (Qt based) multi-platf... DOWNLOAD
pidgeon(freshmeat) Pidgeon Pidgeon is an IRC client which supports various... DOWNLOAD
nagiosressource(sfnet) nagiosressources Ressources de configuration nagios DOWNLOAD
gettext(freshmeat) gettext gettext is the GNU internationalization library. DOWNLOAD
crc(sfnet) CRC This is a modified version of the CRC algorithm... DOWNLOAD
owlnext(sfnet) OWLNext: C++ Application Framework An extensive update of Borland's Object Windows... DOWNLOAD
culmus(sfnet) Culmus A collection of scalable Hebrew fonts for GNU/L... DOWNLOAD
sunxacml(sfnet) Sun's XACML Implementation Sun's XACML Implementation is an access control... DOWNLOAD
sortsamples(freshmeat) sortsamples sortsamples is a utility that solves the proble... DOWNLOAD
phalanx(freshmeat) phalanx phalanx computes a digest of many buffers simul... DOWNLOAD
bakaplan(freshmeat) BakaPlan BakaPlan is an application that creates seating... DOWNLOAD
jnostromo(freshmeat) jnostromo jnostromo provides drivers for the Razer Nostro... DOWNLOAD
open-exchange(sfnet) Open Exchange (OpEx) OpEx is an application suite that includes the ... DOWNLOAD
archlinux(freshmeat) Arch Linux Arch Linux is an i686-optimized Linux distribut... DOWNLOAD
quadrupleback(freshmeat) Quadrupleback Quadrupleback is a video game in which intruder... DOWNLOAD
owaspbwa(sfnet) OWASP Broken Web Applications Project Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) B... DOWNLOAD
cruxports4slack(freshmeat) CruxPorts4Slack CruxPorts4Slack adapts the "ports" an... DOWNLOAD
erdhweb(freshmeat) ERDcreate ERDcreate is an application generator using the... DOWNLOAD
evolvotron(freshmeat) evolvotron Evolvotron is an interactive "generative a... DOWNLOAD
libibuddy(freshmeat) libibuddy libibuddy is a library to control the i-Buddy d... DOWNLOAD
openlte(sfnet) openLTE OpenLTE is an open source implementation of the... DOWNLOAD
jnetpcap(sfnet) jNetPcap - PCAP Java Wrapper A java wrapper for popular "libpcap" ... DOWNLOAD
javagl(sfnet) JavaGL Java software graphic library providing a simpl... DOWNLOAD
hfbooks(sfnet) HFBooks Hashim Ibrahim Filali Books DOWNLOAD
iptv2rtsp-proxy(sfnet) UDP IPTV to RTSP proxy A lightweight GNU/Linux daemon which, being ins... DOWNLOAD
dapl(freshmeat) Direct Access Provider Library DAPL (Direct Access Provider Library) is a tran... DOWNLOAD
phpmaker(sfnet) phpmaker php maker adalah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk ... DOWNLOAD
mtgbrowser(sfnet) Magic Assistant Magic Assistant is multi-platform application f... DOWNLOAD
quickfoxnotes(sfnet) QuickFox QuickFox is a multi-tab note taking add-on for ... DOWNLOAD
symbiose(freshmeat) Symbiose Symbiose is a WebOS, a Web desktop which is acc... DOWNLOAD
mtk-mysqlbackup(freshmeat) MTK-MySQLBackup MTK-MySQLBackup is a sophisticated, extensible ... DOWNLOAD
daddys-file-host(freshmeat) Daddy's File Host Daddy's File Host (DFH) is a file and image hos... DOWNLOAD
schemacrawler(sfnet) SchemaCrawler SchemaCrawler is an open-source Java API that m... DOWNLOAD
mdnstools(sfnet) mDNS Tools These tools are for exploring multicast DNS on ... DOWNLOAD
simthyr(freshmeat) SimThyr SimThyr is a continuous simulation program for ... DOWNLOAD
caroufredsel(freshmeat) carouFredSel jQuery.carouFredSel is a plugin which turns an... DOWNLOAD
srcpd(freshmeat) srcpd srcpd is a gateway between any kind of model ra... DOWNLOAD
castlegame(freshmeat) The Castle The Castle is a first-person shooter game in a ... DOWNLOAD
easy-creds(sfnet) easy-creds easy-creds is a bash script that leverages ette... DOWNLOAD
q4wine(freshmeat) Q4Wine Q4Wine is a Qt 4 GUI for Wine that helps you to... DOWNLOAD
msp430-ds18b20(sfnet) msp430 launchpad + maxim ds18b20 описание на русском: site http://www.shelezyaki... DOWNLOAD
nutcracker(sfnet) Nutcracker nutcracker is a php based web tool that allows ... DOWNLOAD
creditproduct(sfnet) CreditProduct CreditProduct aims to define the functional and... DOWNLOAD
tumblrimagedown(sfnet) Tumblr Image Downloader With this application you can download all imag... DOWNLOAD
amoeba(sfnet) amoeba Amoeba is a proxy that sits between your client... DOWNLOAD
mobilechessboar(sfnet) MobileChessBoard A J2ME MIDlet implementing a Portable Chess Boa... DOWNLOAD
phpb2b(sfnet) phpb2b Build your b2b trade portal using PHPB2B,the op... DOWNLOAD
klurosuandroid(sfnet) klurosu_android Android development, apks, tools and many more DOWNLOAD
radioiubire(sfnet) Radio Iubire This is a chat for windows users Features: Live... DOWNLOAD
elysiumbrasil(sfnet) Elysium Engine Brasil A 2D MMORPG engine made using Visual Basic 6. T... DOWNLOAD
qttabbar(sfnet) QTTabBar QTTabBar is extension for Windows Explorer that... DOWNLOAD
ccwatcher(sfnet) ccwatcher ccwatcher monitors the progress of computationa... DOWNLOAD
meshprocessing(sfnet) Manifold mesh processing A suite of tools for processing and analyzing m... DOWNLOAD
nextmod(sfnet) Belle Next Modification Modification of Symbian Belle for phones. DOWNLOAD
qtads(sfnet) QTads QTads is a cross-platform, multimedia interpret... DOWNLOAD
ginkgocadx(sfnet) Ginkgo CADx Ginkgo CADx is an extensible multi-platform Ope... DOWNLOAD
xps2img(sfnet) xps2img XPS (XML Paper Specification) document to set o... DOWNLOAD
pkgutil(sfnet) pkgutil Pkgutil, written in Perl and licensed under GPL... DOWNLOAD
bioimagexd(sfnet) BioImageXD BioImageXD - free open source software for anal... DOWNLOAD
gnome-gmail(sfnet) GNOME Gmail Add support for making Gmail the default mail a... DOWNLOAD
sketchuptoogre(sfnet) SketchUp to Ogre Exporter This is a Ruby script for Google SketchUp which... DOWNLOAD
jalarms(sfnet) jAlarms A simple to use alarm system for Java server ap... DOWNLOAD
s22imap(sfnet) S22.Imap S22.Imap is a free, easy-to-use and well-docume... DOWNLOAD
docfetcher(sfnet) DocFetcher DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search app... DOWNLOAD
washtub(sfnet) Washtub - The Liquidsoap Controller Washtub is a web-based controller for the Liqui... DOWNLOAD
dark-g(sfnet) MPEG4Toolkit Modifies a MPEG-4 ASP video (XviD, DivX) withou... DOWNLOAD
dbedit2(sfnet) DBEdit 2 A database editor, suitable as front-end for al... DOWNLOAD
jtds(sfnet) jTDS - SQL Server and Sybase JDBC driver Open source JDBC 3.0 type 4 driver for Microsof... DOWNLOAD
pdfcrack(sfnet) pdfcrack pdfcrack is a command line, password recovery t... DOWNLOAD
j8583(sfnet) Java-ISO8583 Implementation of the ISO 8583 protocol in Java... DOWNLOAD
thad0ctorstools(sfnet) thad0ctor's Backtrack 5 toolkit Originally designed as a word list creation too... DOWNLOAD
epgcollector(sfnet) EPG Collector EPG Collector is a Windows package for collecti... DOWNLOAD
solace-games(sfnet) Solace'sGameCracks Cracked games by Solace DOWNLOAD
kakscalculator2(sfnet) KaKs_Calculator2.0 This software is a toolkit of incorporating gam... DOWNLOAD
getxbook(freshmeat) getxbook getxbook is a collection of tools to download b... DOWNLOAD

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