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Projeto Descrição

Ragel compiles finite state machines from regular languages into C, C++, Objective-C, D, Java, or Ruby code. It allows the programmer to embed actions at any point in a regular language, and to control non-determinism in the resulting machines. It understands concatenation, union, kleene star, subtraction, intersection, epsilon transitions, and various other common operators. It also supports the construction of scanners and the building of state machines using state charts. It can be used to create very fast recognizers and parsers that are also robust.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-12-03 12:49

Problemas relacionados a incluir caminhos, condições de tratamento de erros, e directivas linha de impressão foram corrigidos.
Bugs related to include paths, handling error conditions, and printing line directives were fixed.

2009-05-19 05:42

Um bug na geração graphviz foi corrigido. Um bug relacionado a sistemas 64-bit e máquinas definidas com números hexadecimais foi corrigido. O sistema de compilação foi transferido para automake.
A bug in graphviz generation was fixed. A bug related to 64-bit systems and machines defined with hex numbers was fixed. The build system was moved to automake.

2009-03-23 05:51

Os programas de back-end foram removidos e fundiram-se na interface. Nova escrever comandos foram adicionados. Bugs foram corrigidos.
The backend programs were removed and merged into the frontend. New write commands were added. Bugs were fixed.

2008-08-30 02:47

Duplicate incluir a prevenção foi corrigido e melhorado. A afirmação falsa estimulado durante a criação de scanners com condições foi corrigido. Um acidente na pesquisa fracassada de um goto / target chamada foi corrigido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Duplicate include prevention was fixed and improved. A false assertion spurred during the creation of scanners with conditions was fixed. A crash on the failed lookup of a goto/call target was fixed.

2008-05-09 22:59

Uma série de bugs reportados foram corrigidos. Incluir e importar o arquivo procura foi melhorado. A opção-I incluem caminho foi adicionado.
A number of reported bugs were fixed. Include and import file searching was improved. The -I include path option was added.

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