Simple Project List Software Map

I18N (Internationalization)
141 projects in result set
Última Atualização: 2007-10-17 07:23


Akelos is an MVC framework for PHP that tries to bring the magic of Ruby on Rails to the PHP world. Akelos based applications can run on most shared hosting service providers since Akelos only requires a standard PHP installation on the server. Akelos is designed to make developers lives simpler by solving complex problems with unusual speed and productivity. Favoring "convention over configuration" leads to the creation of uniform and simpler-to-understand code.

Última Atualização: 2013-01-04 21:41


wbmtranslator is a translation assistant for
webmin/usermin modules.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2010-07-21 13:00


[fleXive] is a Java EE 5 content repository aiming to support upcoming industry standards like CMIS. It strives to provide a holistic approach by offering a comprehensive set of tools and building blocks for building content-centric Web applications around a [fleXive] content repository. It speeds up development by easing many tedious and repetitive programming tasks and helping to keep your application(s) flexible during the development cycle and in production. It concentrates on enterprise-scale content modeling, storage, and retrieval, and includes comprehensive JSF support for displaying and manipulating these contents in (Web) applications. Key features include persistence, security, versioning, multi-language support, and scripting.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2008-12-04 15:45


Localizer is a Zope product that provides a set of
facilities to develop multilingual Web
applications. It offers solutions to
internationalize user interfaces and manage
multilingual content.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2012-03-19 01:35


Intlize allows the developer to use catgets
without its normally bulky syntax and without
having to mind the details of correct indices.
Catgets is the built-in internationalization suite
of C compilers. Alternatively, Intlize can produce
a compact file format optimized for fast access.
Intermediate files are in gettext po format, so
there are many comfortable tools available to do
the translations. Runtime files are provided for C
and C++ and for both catgets and intlize native

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2010-11-04 15:19


BidiChecker is a tool for the automated testing of Web pages for errors in support of right-to-left (RTL) languages (also known as bidirectional/BiDi). It provides a JavaScript API to be called from automated test suites that regression-test live Web pages in a browser, usually using an automated testing framework such as JSUnit.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2007-10-05 14:40


dbtroff uses XSLT, Heirloom troff, and Ghostscript to convert DocBook documents to PDF or PostScript. It allows you to flexibly customize the layout of the generated output by using troff instructions, and provides automatic page element positioning to avoid typographical artifacts like “widows”. Full-width and inline pictures can be included, and are also automatically positioned. Currently, only a rather restricted subset of DocBook 4.3 is supported.

Última Atualização: 2005-02-13 17:46


LanguageSys is meant to internationalize your
applications. It handles the access to language
files, which are based on an INI style. It is
possible to precompile the language files to
increase the speed of processing. This system is
focused on being highly object-oriented, so it
makes the language aliases aviable as member
variables of the own class. It contains a system
to fetch a list of all the available languages by
a given directory where the language files are
located. A distinction of languages is drawn as
RFC1766 recommends. Examples, documentation, and a
simple script to precompile your language files
are included.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2010-10-23 19:53


TongueTied is a Web based application that helps with the creation of keywords with support for multi-language or multi-region resources. One of the key features of TongueTied is that it allows static resources to be exported from the application and can import translations from resources into the application. The following formats are currently supported for both export and import: Java Properties, .NET Resources (.resx), CSV, and Excel. TongueTied integrates an optional work flow around a keyword to track changes to a translation and ensure the validity of that translation. Operators are allowed to query a translation if they believe it to be incorrect.

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: MySQL, PostgreSQL (pgsql)
Sistema Operacional: OS Independent
Linguagem de Programação: Java, Java
Interface de Usuário: .NET/Mono
Última Atualização: 2006-04-20 06:26

Expose PHP template engine

Expose is a PHP template engine. It supports
server and client-sided caching, a plugin system
(to simplify common tasks like inserting a date
picker) and internationalization (to write
templates in multiple languages using external
translation files). Unlike most template engines,
Expose's template script language is based on PHP
itself, which means you don't have to learn a new
syntax. You can use most of the PHP language
elements and functions in the way with which
you're familiar.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2006-05-05 07:56

cintoo Messages

cintoo Messages is a framework to make internationalization easier
for Java applications. It supports locales for threads, and bundles
can be associated with different packages. This allows the usage of
different bundles for different parts of the application, such as
plugins, an installer, or a logging system. Bundles can be managed and
associated with packages without any changes in the code. This makes
bundle management and refactoring much easier than with other solutions.
cintoo Messages supports global locales for client applications written
in Swing or SWT and thread-local ones for serverside Web applications.

(Machine Translation)
Sistema Operacional: OS Independent
Linguagem de Programação: Java
Interface de Usuário: Toolkits/Libraries
Última Atualização: 2010-10-25 18:45


Benten is a Open Source CAT (Computer Aided Translation) and TWA (Translation Workflow Assistance) tools. Benten makes it possible to translate HTML, Microsoft Office (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx), OpenDocument Format (.odt, .ods, .odp), gettext PO (.po), Java Properties, text files to another languages efficently using TM (Translation Memory) and glossary. Benten is also a useful XLIFF editor. Let's use Benten and get high quality translation work!

Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: Developers, End Users/Desktop
Linguagem Natural: English, Japanese
Sistema Operacional: OS Independent
Linguagem de Programação: Java
Interface de Usuário: Java SWT, Eclipse
Register Date: 2009-04-02 21:43
Última Atualização: 2004-08-23 08:08


Prologia-I18N allows easy internationalization in extracting hard-coded strings from Java sources. A GUI allows you to decide which string should be internationalized. A front-end to the Attesoro software is provided to allow easy editing of resource bundles. Finally, your Java sources are automatically modified in order to use localized strings located in resourceBundles rather than hard-coded strings.

Última Atualização: 2016-05-17 20:34

PukiWiki Advance

PukiWiki Adv is the derivation version of PukiWiki. This distribution specializes in modern technology, such as ajax, HTML5+CSS3, and RIA. Works much faster than PukiWiki and PukiWiki Plus!

Database Environment: SQLite
Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: Information Technology
Linguagem Natural: Chinese, English, Japanese
Linguagem de Programação: JavaScript, PHP
Interface de Usuário: Web Environment
Register Date: 2012-10-14 15:29
Última Atualização: 2010-10-25 23:55

Benten Ext

Benten プロジェクトの拡張コンポーネントを開発するためのサブプロジェクトです。現在は、Benten から Google Translate 機械翻訳を利用可能にするプラグインが提供されています。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 3 - Alpha
Destinado Audiência: Developers
Linguagem Natural: English, Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Windows XP, OS Independent
Linguagem de Programação: Java
Interface de Usuário: Eclipse
Register Date: 2010-04-01 17:17