





Syntax: HandBrakeCLI [options] -i <device> -o <file>

### General Handbrake Options------------------------------------------------

    -h, --help              Print help
    -u, --update            Check for updates and exit
    -v, --verbose <#>       Be verbose (optional argument: logging level)
    -C, --cpu               Set CPU count (default: autodetected)
    -Z. --preset <string>   Use a built-in preset. Capitalization matters, and
                            if the preset name has spaces, surround it with
                            double quotation marks
    -z, --preset-list       See a list of available built-in presets
        --no-dvdnav         Do not use dvdnav for reading DVDs
                            (experimental, enabled by default for testing)

### Source Options-----------------------------------------------------------

    -i, --input <string>    Set input device
    -t, --title <number>    Select a title to encode (0 to scan only,
                            default: 1)
    -L, --longest           Select the longest title
    -c, --chapters <string> Select chapters (e.g. "1-3" for chapters
                            1 to 3, or "3" for chapter 3 only,
                            default: all chapters)
        --angle <number>    Select the DVD angle
        --previews <#:B>    Select how many preview images are generated (max 30),
                            and whether or not they're stored to disk (0 or 1).
                            (default: 10:0)
    --start-at-preview <#>  Start encoding at a given preview.
    --stop-at     <unit:#>  Stop encoding at a given frame, duration (in seconds),
                            or pts (on a 90kHz clock)
### Destination Options------------------------------------------------------

    -o, --output <string>   Set output file name
    -f, --format <string>   Set output format (mp4/mkv, default:
                            autodetected from file name)
    -m, --markers           Add chapter markers (mp4 and mkv output formats only)
    -4, --large-file        Use 64-bit mp4 files that can hold more than
                            4 GB. Note: Breaks iPod, PS3 compatibility.
    -O, --optimize          Optimize mp4 files for HTTP streaming
    -I, --ipod-atom         Mark mp4 files so 5.5G iPods will accept them

### Video Options------------------------------------------------------------

    -e, --encoder <string>  Set video library encoder (ffmpeg,x264,theora)
                            (default: ffmpeg)
    -x, --x264opts <string> Specify advanced x264 options in the
                            same style as mencoder:
    -q, --quality <float>   Set video quality (0.0..1.0)
    -S, --size <MB>         Set target size
    -b, --vb <kb/s>         Set video bitrate (default: 1000)
    -2, --two-pass          Use two-pass mode
    -T, --turbo             When using 2-pass use the turbo options
                            on the first pass to improve speed
                            (only works with x264, affects PSNR by about 0.05dB,
                            and increases first pass speed two to four times)
    -r, --rate              Set video framerate (5/10/12/15/23.976/24/25/29.97)
                            Be aware that not specifying a framerate lets
                            HandBrake preserve a source's time stamps,
                            potentially creating variable framerate video
    --vfr, --cfr, --pfr     Select variable, constant or peak-limited
                            frame rate control. VFR preserves the source
                            timing. CFR makes the output constant rate at
                            the rate given by the -r flag (or the source's
                            average rate if no -r is given). PFR doesn't
                            allow the rate to go over the rate specified
                            with the -r flag but won't change the source
                            timing if it's below that rate.
                            If none of these flags are given, the default
                            is --cfr when -r is given and --vfr otherwise

### Audio Options-----------------------------------------------------------

    -a, --audio <string>    Select audio track(s), separated by commas
                            More than one output track can be used for one
                            ("none" for no audio, "1,2,3" for multiple
                             tracks, default: first one)
    -E, --aencoder <string> Audio encoder(s) (faac/lame/vorbis/ac3/dts) 
                            ac3 and dts meaning passthrough
                            Separated by commas for more than one audio track.
                            (default: guessed)
    -B, --ab <kb/s>         Set audio bitrate(s)  (default: 160)
                            Separated by commas for more than one audio track.
    -6, --mixdown <string>  Format(s) for surround sound downmixing
                            Separated by commas for more than one audio track.
                            (mono/stereo/dpl1/dpl2/6ch, default: dpl2)
    -R, --arate             Set audio samplerate(s) (22.05/24/32/44.1/48 kHz)
                            Separated by commas for more than one audio track.
    -D, --drc <float>       Apply extra dynamic range compression to the audio,
                            making soft sounds louder. Range is 1.0 to 4.0
                            (too loud), with 1.5 - 2.5 being a useful range.
                            Separated by commas for more than one audio track.
    -A, --aname <string>    Audio track name(s),
                            Separated by commas for more than one audio track.

### Picture Settings---------------------------------------------------------

    -w, --width <number>    Set picture width
    -l, --height <number>   Set picture height
        --crop <T:B:L:R>    Set cropping values (default: autocrop)
    -Y, --maxHeight <#>     Set maximum height
    -X, --maxWidth <#>      Set maximum width
    --strict-anamorphic     Store pixel aspect ratio in video stream
    --loose-anamorphic      Store pixel aspect ratio with specified width
    --custom-anamorphic     Store pixel aspect ratio in video stream and
                            directly control all parameters.
    --display-width         Set the width to scale the actual pixels to
      <number>              at playback, for custom anamorphic.
    --keep-display-aspect   Preserve the source's display aspect ratio
                            when using custom anamorphic
    --pixel-aspect          Set a custom pixel aspect for custom anamorphic
                            (--display-width and --pixel-aspect are mutually
                             exclusive and the former will override the latter)
    --itu-par               Use wider, ITU pixel aspect values for loose and
                            custom anamorphic, useful with underscanned sources
    --modulus               Set the number you want the scaled pixel dimensions
      <number>              to divide cleanly by, for loose and custom
                            anamorphic modes (default: 16)
    -M  --color-matrix      Set the color space signaled by the output
          <601 or 709>      (Bt.601 is mostly for SD content, Bt.709 for HD,
                             default: set by resolution)

### Filters---------------------------------------------------------

    -d, --deinterlace       Deinterlace video with yadif/mcdeint filter
          <YM:FD:MM:QP>     (default 0:-1:-1:1)
    -5, --decomb            Selectively deinterlaces when it detects combing
          (default: 7:2:6:9:80:16:16:10:20:20:4:2:50:24:1:-1)
    -9, --detelecine        Detelecine (ivtc) video with pullup filter
                            Note: this filter drops duplicate frames to
                            restore the pre-telecine framerate, unless you
                            specify a constant framerate (--rate 29.97)
          <L:R:T:B:SB:MP:FD>   (default 1:1:4:4:0:0:-1)
    -8, --denoise           Denoise video with hqdn3d filter
          <SL:SC:TL:TC>     (default 4:3:6:4.5)
    -7, --deblock           Deblock video with pp7 filter
          <QP:M>            (default 5:2)
    -g, --grayscale         Grayscale encoding

### Subtitle Options------------------------------------------------------------

    -s, --subtitle <string> Select subtitle track(s), separated by commas
                            More than one output track can be used for one
                            ("1,2,3" for multiple tracks.
                            A special track name "scan" adds an extra 1st pass.
                            This extra pass scans subtitles matching the
                            language of the first audio or the language 
                            selected by --native-language.
                            The one that's only used 10 percent of the time
                            or less is selected. This should locate subtitles
                            for short foreign language segments. Best used in
                            conjunction with --subtitle-forced.
    -F, --subtitle-forced   Only display subtitles from the selected stream if
          <string>          the subtitle has the forced flag set. May be used in
                            conjunction with "scan" track to auto-select
                            a stream if it contains forced subtitles.
                            Separated by commas for more than one audio track.
                            ("1,2,3" for multiple tracks.
                            If "string" is omitted, the first trac is forced.
        --subtitle-burn     "Burn" the selected subtitle into the video track
          <number>          If "number" is omitted, the first trac is burned.
        --subtitle-default  Flag the selected subtitle as the default subtitle
          <number>          to be displayed upon playback.  Setting no default
                            means no subtitle will be automatically displayed
                            If "number" is omitted, the first trac is default.
    -N, --native-language   Specifiy the your language preference. When the first
          <string>          audio track does not match your native language then
                            select the first subtitle that does. When used in
                            conjunction with --native-dub the audio track is
                            changed in preference to subtitles. Provide the
                            language's iso639-2 code (fre, eng, spa, dut, et cetera)
        --native-dub        Used in conjunction with --native-language
                            requests that if no audio tracks are selected the
                            default selected audio track will be the first one
                            that matches the --native-language. If there are no
                            matching audio tracks then the first matching
                            subtitle track is used instead.
        --srt-file <string> SubRip SRT filename(s), separated by commas.
        --srt-codeset       Character codeset(s) that the SRT file(s) are
          <string>          encoded in, separted by commas.
                            Use 'iconv -l' for a list of valid
                            codesets. If not specified latin1 is assumed
        --srt-offset        Offset in milli-seconds to apply to the SRT file(s)
          <string>          separted by commas. If not specified zero is assumed.
                            Offsets may be negative.
        --srt-lang <string> Language as an iso639-2 code fra, eng, spa et cetera)
                            for the SRT file(s) separated by commas. If not specified
                            then 'und' is used.
        --srt-default       Flag the selected srt as the default subtitle
          <number>          to be displayed upon playback.  Setting no default
                            means no subtitle will be automatically displayed
                            If "number" is omitted, the first srt is default.
                            "number" is an 1 based index into the srt-file list