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Projeto Descrição

Spindle is a plugin for the Eclipse Platform that
provides excellent IDE support for Web apps
developed using the Tapestry framework. It
includes wizards for creating applications and
application components. Editors for applications, libraries, pages, components, and templates, all with popup help, syntax completion, and "as you type validation" are included. A project build process catches and marks almost every runtime Tapestry error before you deploy your application.

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2004-04-21 08:21 Back to release list
3 beta 4

O plugin foi totalmente reescrito. Os usuários podem criar projetos de tapeçaria nova, páginas e componentes usando os assistentes. Conclusão de comando foi adicionado no HTML e editores de XML com pop-up de ajuda para os componentes e parâmetros. Usuários obter validações de seus arquivos HTML e XML como parte do projeto de construção (ou seja, em todas as gravações). Agora, é também mais fácil para os usuários a executar seus aplicativos da Web usando o Jetty.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The plugin was completely rewritten. Users can create new Tapestry projects, pages, and components by using the wizards. Command completion was added in the HTML and XML editors along with pop-up help for components and parameters. Users get validations of their HTML and XML files as part of the project build (that is, on every save). It is now also easier for users to run their Web apps using Jetty.

Project Resources