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Projeto Descrição

Synaesthesia is an eyecandy program that represents music graphically in real time as coruscating fields of fog and glowing lines. It is intended as a visual accompaniment to music. Its display combines information about the frequency, location and diffuseness of sound. It can take input from CD, line, piped from another program, or from EsounD. It also functions as a CD player.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-05-07 06:18

Uma incompatibilidade com g + + 3,4 foi fixado.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
An incompatibility with g++ 3.4 was fixed.

2003-07-27 16:54

EsounD e entrada encanada sincronizar correctamente com a música, e têm uma maior taxa de quadros. O monitor ajusta automaticamente o volume da música a ser tocada. Ele deve agora trabalhar sobre a não-32-bit arquitecturas.
Tags: Major bugfixes
EsounD and piped input synchronize correctly with the music, and have a higher frame rate. The display automatically adjusts to the volume of the music being played. It should now work on non-32-bit architectures.

2001-01-30 15:14

Agora usa o autoconf, suporte EsounD acrescentou, várias opções de linha de comando, diversas correções de bugs
Now uses autoconf, EsounD support added, several new command line options, various minor bug fixes

2001-01-30 15:14

Novos e muito bonitos efeitos visuais com base nas equações de onda e calor, a interface com novo visual muito mais opções, com várias correções.
New and very cute visual effects based on the wave and heat equations, new look interface with a lot more options, various bug fixes.

2001-01-30 15:14

FreeBSD apoio e suporte melhor teclado
FreeBSD support and better keyboard support

Project Resources