Project Description

Why, you might well ask, should we be needing yet another text editor when
there are already far more than one could confidently shake a stick at.

Well, this one combines a powerful scripting language with strong system
interaction to open up entirely new methodologies for the creation,
maintenance and analysis of any sort of machine-readable document.

- Powerful (ECCE-like) command language.
- Recovery of a session following a crash.
- Strong interaction with system environment - can interface with helper apps
e.g. spelling checkers, text <=> binary converters - in particular
spreadsheet, wordprocessor and pdf files.
- Tidy handling and display of tabular text especially spreadsheets.
- A useful library of command scripts.
- Easy construction of macro-commands and hot-key mapping.
- Useful debugging environment.
- Very well behaved i.e. hardly ever crashes or locks up.
- High capacity - OK for CAD files etc, can pre-filter oversize files.

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